Porn Blocker to protects yourself

Porn Blockers


We understand how hard it can be to stay away from pornography and other explicit content on the internet. That’s why a list of filters and porn blockers have been compiled to help you stay focused on your sobriety goals. 

The goal is to naturally resist X-rated content. Porn Blockers are helpful but not foolproof since technology can be bypassed. To effectively limit access to such material, it’s advised to use a combination of apps for stronger protection. Based on personal and community experiences, we’ve selected the most efficient blockers available.

The list is compiled by Kabs a member with 2 years+ sobriety. May Allah grant him lifelong sobriety, and accept his time and effort in creating this list, may it also be a sadaqah jariyah for him. Ameen


Web Filters

These filters help prevent access to adult websites and content, and can also block inappropriate search results. We recommend using a web filter to help create a safer browsing environment.

Pp Filters

Pp filters work similarly to web filters, but for specific apps on your phone or computer. These filters can block or restrict access to apps that contain explicit content or trigger your addictive behaviours

Types of Porn Blockers


Time Blockers

Time blockers help limit the amount of time you spend on the internet or specific websites. This can be helpful for those who struggle with excessive screen time or find themselves losing track of time when browsing.

DNS Blockers

DNS blockers prevent access to specific websites by redirecting your internet traffic. This can be an effective way to block access to websites that are triggering or addictive.